Tax-deductible donations to support the production of The Joy of Sox can be made through Documentary Educational Resources (DER), a 501c3 corporation and the fiscal sponsor of the film. A letter acknowledging your contribution will be provided for tax purposes. Please make checks payable to DER for Joy of Sox. Donations can be made via PayPal or mailed to:
The Joy of Sox
c/o DER
101 Morse Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Thank you in advance for your help and your support!

Toward the end of the hour I had a spontaneous moment of forgiveness.
I went to sleep feeling light, hopeful, joyful. I think it's really
about the Joy of Love, but you can say it's about the Red Sox if you
BB, Arlington MA
- Thank you for making this great film!! It was wonderful. The power
of positive thinking is really important, and we can all use this in
our daily lives.
RG, Cambridge MA
Wow, very engaging! I really enJOYed it!
MG, Belmont MA